Friday, June 28, 2013

On turning 40.

I am about to enter my birthday month and this year is a doozy.
The big 4-0.

Wow. I am still stuck in that "people who are 40 are really old" mindset from when I was 20. Well, that's gotta get updated.

I don't feel old, per se, I just don't recover as quickly.
AND yet I also recover faster.

Recovery ...

Being angry
Feeling left out

Being over-served
The red-eye
Hard workouts
My children being left out

Ready yourself for a month of anxiety and introspection around this birthday... or tune out until it is over ...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Watch your mailboxes rather than your inboxes...

My mother in law sent the following piece to me and my brother in law and his wife, with the "I send it forth as 'food for thought' in the names of M & O & C (our kids) as I perceive their futures." At first, I read it and said to myself, nah, this will never apply to me. I like getting in the muck of emotion messiness, I am not afraid of tears and work and the time it takes to mend.

But then I catch myself, emailing rather than calling, FaceTiming rather than making the trip or the worst, texting when a handwritten note would be so much more powerful. In our last session, Amy, my executive coach, encouraged me to order a box of random blank note cards and take the time (ha!) in my busy life to drop a note to someone who has been on my mind. I have not done it yet. But I will. 

Watch your mailboxes rather than your inboxes.

Original NYT Link
June 8, 2013 
A COUPLE of weeks ago, I saw a stranger crying in public. I was in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood, waiting to meet a friend for breakfast. I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early and was sitting on the bench outside, scrolling through my contact list. A girl, maybe 15 years old, was sitting on the bench opposite me, crying into her phone. I heard her say, “I know, I know, I know” over and over. 
What did she know? Had she done something wrong? Was she being comforted? And then she said, “Mama, I know,” and the tears came harder. 
What was her mother telling her? Never to stay out all night again? That everybody fails? Is it possible that no one was on the other end of the call, and that the girl was merely rehearsing a difficult conversation? 
“Mama, I know,” she said, and hung up, placing her phone on her lap. 
I was faced with a choice: I could interject myself into her life, or I could respect the boundaries between us. Intervening might make her feel worse, or be inappropriate. But then, it might ease her pain, or be helpful in some straightforward logistical way. An affluent neighborhood at the beginning of the day is not the same as a dangerous one as night is falling. And I was me, and not someone else. There was a lot of human computing to be done. 
It is harder to intervene than not to, but it is vastly harder to choose to do either than to retreat into the scrolling names of one’s contact list, or whatever one’s favorite iDistraction happens to be. Technology celebrates connectedness, but encourages retreat. The phone didn’t make me avoid the human connection, but it did make ignoring her easier in that moment, and more likely, by comfortably encouraging me to forget my choice to do so. My daily use of technological communication has been shaping me into someone more likely to forget others. The flow of water carves rock, a little bit at a time. And our personhood is carved, too, by the flow of our habits. 
Psychologists who study empathy and compassion are finding that unlike our almost instantaneous responses to physical pain, it takes time for the brain to comprehend the psychological and moral dimensions of a situation. The more distracted we become, and the more emphasis we place on speed at the expense of depth, the less likely and able we are to care. 
Everyone wants his parent’s, or friend’s, or partner’s undivided attention — even if many of us, especially children, are getting used to far less. Simone Weil wrote, “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” By this definition, our relationships to the world, and to one another, and to ourselves, are becoming increasingly miserly. 
Most of our communication technologies began as diminished substitutes for an impossible activity. We couldn’t always see one another face to face, so the telephone made it possible to keep in touch at a distance. One is not always home, so the answering machine made a kind of interaction possible without the person being near his phone. Online communication originated as a substitute for telephonic communication, which was considered, for whatever reasons, too burdensome or inconvenient. And then texting, which facilitated yet faster, and more mobile, messaging. These inventions were not created to be improvements upon face-to-face communication, but a declension of acceptable, if diminished, substitutes for it. 
But then a funny thing happened: we began to prefer the diminished substitutes. It’s easier to make a phone call than to schlep to see someone in person. Leaving a message on someone’s machine is easier than having a phone conversation — you can say what you need to say without a response; hard news is easier to leave; it’s easier to check in without becoming entangled. So we began calling when we knew no one would pick up. 
Shooting off an e-mail is easier, still, because one can hide behind the absence of vocal inflection, and of course there’s no chance of accidentally catching someone. And texting is even easier, as the expectation for articulateness is further reduced, and another shell is offered to hide in. Each step “forward” has made it easier, just a little, to avoid the emotional work of being present, to convey information rather than humanity.
THE problem with accepting — with preferring — diminished substitutes is that over time, we, too, become diminished substitutes. People who become used to saying little become used to feeling little. 
With each generation, it becomes harder to imagine a future that resembles the present. My grandparents hoped I would have a better life than they did: free of war and hunger, comfortably situated in a place that felt like home. But what futures would I dismiss out of hand for my grandchildren? That their clothes will be fabricated every morning on 3-D printers? That they will communicate without speaking or moving? 
Only those with no imagination, and no grounding in reality, would deny the possibility that they will live forever. It’s possible that many reading these words will never die. Let’s assume, though, that we all have a set number of days to indent the world with our beliefs, to find and create the beauty that only a finite existence allows for, to wrestle with the question of purpose and wrestle with our answers. 
We often use technology to save time, but increasingly, it either takes the saved time along with it, or makes the saved time less present, intimate and rich. I worry that the closer the world gets to our fingertips, the further it gets from our hearts. It’s not an either/or — being “anti-technology” is perhaps the only thing more foolish than being unquestioningly “pro-technology” — but a question of balance that our lives hang upon. 
Most of the time, most people are not crying in public, but everyone is always in need of something that another person can give, be it undivided attention, a kind word or deep empathy. There is no better use of a life than to be attentive to such needs. There are as many ways to do this as there are kinds of loneliness, but all of them require attentiveness, all of them require the hard work of emotional computation and corporeal compassion. All of them require the human processing of the only animal who risks “getting it wrong” and whose dreams provide shelters and vaccines and words to crying strangers. 
We live in a world made up more of story than stuff. We are creatures of memory more than reminders, of love more than likes. Being attentive to the needs of others might not be the point of life, but it is the work of life. It can be messy, and painful, and almost impossibly difficult. But it is not something we give. It is what we get in exchange for having to die 
Jonathan Safran Foer is a novelist who delivered the 2013 commencement address at Middlebury College, from which this essay is adapted. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Train Travel

I have a pretty standard set up when I travel by train. I get settled in my window seat, plug in the laptop, plug my phone into the laptop, put in my earbuds and launch spotify. Train travel makes me feel like I am in a movie ... staring out the window, music infusing my thoughts, watching the sleepy towns of the Eastern seaboard pass me by - I know them all so well. The track-facing facades of the buildings feel like a secret world to me, kind of like the rooftops of NYC buildings - which also fascinate me to no end.

I adore NYP to BOS, but NYP to Union Station has its own special flavor. Inevitably, as we stop in Providence, my muscles flex and I momentarily ponder ditching the business trip I am on and escaping alone to Little Compton, but then my grown-up brain kicks in and I stay put Boston-bound.

One day, I will do it. Get off the train, head to LC and indulge my inner impulsive teen.

Monday, June 10, 2013


I have been thinking a lot about tension, conflict and kindness. I am in a new-ish, Jewish job and am working with an executive coach, after realizing that with a bigger job, I must call upon different skills to be successful. I am scaling up my game, so to speak, and so talk to my coach for an hour once a week.

This week we talked a lot about kindness in the face of conflict. In my job, I get yelled at a lot by external parties. They come to me to vent, to be heard, to feel like their grievances have been registered.  When I was younger, less experienced, I might have yelled back, been defensive or shook with rage after one of these experiences. Now I listen, and offer fresh starts, kindness, admit guilt where there may be none. Being right is less important than being kind.

What it leaves me feeling, however, is tired. I need to replenish the stores of kindness from time to time and my boys help. As does the knowledge that just around the corner is someone who will be kind to me; I surround myself with evidence that laughter is curative and a smile takes less energy than a frown.

And I am lucky in so many ways, as I have love in my life, unconditionally, and that is a self-replenishing resource.

So go ahead, yell at me. It will make you feel better.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Trust Yourself (#Trust30)

Imitation is Suicide. Insist on yourself; never imitate. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Write down in which areas of your life you have to overcome these suicidal tendencies of imitation, and how you can transform them into a newborn you – one that doesn’t hide its uniqueness, but thrives on it. There is a “divine idea which each of us represents” – which is yours?
Hmmm... is it bad that I cannot really even understand this question?  I have always tried since I was a teenager, which was all imitation, some (blue black dyed hair) rebellion, and general havoc, to be myself. Sometimes I try a "fashion" on as imitation and fail terribly. I guess that's it. I'm tired. I hope I like tomorrow's prompt better.