Friday, December 28, 2007

Alarm 6:30 am, I'm up of course at 6:20 am

Why is it that when I have to get up I always pre-wake? Any way, I am up and dressed, husband and baby still sleeping, baby's breakfast made. I have a breakfast meeting and a lunch meeting today. You would think I eat for a living! My office closes at 3 pm on Fridays, so I'm meeting a friend for a mani/pedi this afternoon. My nails are a mess, short short short and my toes are claws, long long long. Some how it all seems to balance out. 

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Someone at work today said "living in New York is not like it looks in the movies..." to which over the cubicle wall, another co-worker piped in "that's because we don't have a soundtrack!" There are those moments when a subway musician plays just the right song. Tonight it was "Right Here Waiting for You" ... on some sort of sitar like cello shaped thing. Really not the right song... at all. 

By way of introduction ...

Why should I blog? No reason except that there are times when Urban Baby just does not hack it, my best friends don't want to hear it, my son (age 2) thinks it is funny and my husband is not so great at pretending he is listening. And I have something to say!