So last entry, I wished for spa ... and I awoke Sunday to orders from my husband to get dressed and be ready to go by 9:15 am. He had booked the following for me at the Chopra Spa (Deepack, Baby!):
Vishesh (vi-shesh) Treatment
A powerful tension relieving treatment, this invigorating choreographed massage incorporates classic Abhyanga therapy with deeper strokes to clear and detoxify the channels of circulation. The experience begins with light to medium pressure and then progresses to firmer, deeper, slower strokes designed to release physical and emotional toxins.
It was amazing ... after we had lunch at Landmark. What a perfect surprise to make up for a week from hell (bruised baby, sick nanny, husband out of town ...) if it were not for the perpetual cold I have been nursing, I would say life is perfect ... oh, and if I could only get pregnant.