Our own shadows disappear as the feet of thousandsby the tens of thousands pound the fallow landinto new dust thatrising like a marvelous pollen will befertileeven as the first woman whisperingimagination to the trees around her madefor righteous fruitfrom such deliberate defense of lifeas no other stillwill claim inferior to any other safetyin the worldThe whispers too theyintimate to the inmost ear of every spiritnow aroused theycarousing in ferocious affirmationof all peaceable and loving amplitudesound a certainly unbounded heatfrom a baptismal smoke where yesthere will be fireAnd the babies cease alarm as mothersraising armsand heart high as the stars so far unseennevertheless hurl into the universea moving forceirreversible as light yearstraveling to the open eyeAnd who will join this standing upand the ones who stood without sweet companywill sing and singback into the mountains andif necessaryeven under the sea:we are the ones we have been waiting for.
from Passion: New Poems, 1977-80, by June Jordan