So due to my nanny having an injured back, I was a full time mom for the last two days. Of course the only way I have found time to reflect and blog on it, is that I am back to work today.
A couple of observations:
1) As I suspected, I am too type A to stay at home and not drive myself and my children crazy.
2) I can do many loads of laundry and yet the basket continues to self-fill, I swear!
3) There is no way that the SAHMs (Stay At Home Moms) sit around and eat bon-bons, I barely sat, let alone ate. Thank goodness our playdate yesterday came with a smart, lovely mother who brought sandwiches.
4) Max is delightful but reactionary; we need this age to pass.
5) I am delightful but reactionary; this ship has sailed.
Overall, it was empowering, challenging, exhausting and fun to be at home with the boys.

And boy, do I love this here desk ...