This week I registered to join Team in Training working towards the Hampton's Half Marathon on 10/02/10. I know myself and the only way to keep up this work (the fitness piece) is to set goals. I am driven by deadlines and to be honest, fear.
I am afraid I will gain back the weight
I am afraid I will not finish the run
I am afraid I will fail myself
I am afraid this will not be the last time I lose this poundage
All these are fears are normal and manageable.
This is a life change, the scale may tick up or down a lb here and there but this is the last time I will lose these 25+ lbs
I will train hard and push myself
I will seek support when I need it
See #1
Fear is a great motivator, as long as you do not let it debilitate you.
Courage, Jenny, Courage
Run, Jenny, Run