Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Trust Yourself (#Trust30)

A really groovy and smart colleague of mine turned me on to Seth Godin's latest mind-shaking initiative, The Domino Project, which has a 30 day writing challenge that I hope will revitalize my blogging efforts.

As usual, I am a little late to the party but here it goes:

The Pledge Details
The #Trust30 challenge starts at 6am ET on May 31st and runs for 30 days. AS I SAID I AM LATE
Each day we'll post a prompt from an original thinker and doer on You can also sign-up for daily emails. DONE
Fill out the short form below to commit to participating in the #trust30 online initiative. DONE
Blog, journal, or create something on each of the 30 days. WAITING FOR THE PROMPT
Tweet using the hashtag #trust30 to show your support and involvement. WILL DO

Here we go!