To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is burning deep inside of you? If you could spread your personal message RIGHT NOW to 1 million people, what would you say?
After a long day at work, putting the kids to bed and settling in over a glass of wine to consider this prompt I would shout in a silent scream, as not to wake the kids, I CANNOT DO IT ALL! And then I would qualify it by saying, or shouting, BUT THAT'S OK! Because it is. And the pressure to be the best working mom in the world, ok, on the block, is crushing me. I am class rep at the nursery school, a half marathoner, a partner in a small firm, a fun-loving but rule-enforcing mom, a bestfriendslashwife, a sisterfriendpartnerincrime and I am ok at all of them at any given time and great at each for fleeting but magical moments.
I live for the moments. I live for the magic. I am well on my way to 40 and am just beginning to understand what someone once said to me: we are all juggling balls but luckily they are not glass, we will drop them but they will bounce, not shatter.
That time and once again I'm bouncing around the room.
I live for the moments. I live for the magic. I am well on my way to 40 and am just beginning to understand what someone once said to me: we are all juggling balls but luckily they are not glass, we will drop them but they will bounce, not shatter.
That time and once again I'm bouncing around the room.