Charlie has an earache and I am exhausted but we hosted the Halloween party chronicled in our friend's blog. It is re-published here with permission. Enjoy!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Listening to the clock
Tonight I dined to the tick tock of the clock on the wall in our living room. I made a simple salad of arugula, olive oil, grana padano, sea salt and lemon juice. I read a magazine at the dining room table. When I was done, I took the time to empty the dishwasher and made a cup of tea to eat with chocolate covered goji berries. I did not drink alcohol, I did not play music, turn on the tv, check the blackberry or use the phone. I dined, read, and wondered if other people do this all the time.
It was nice, but remarkable enough and so uncommon in my life that I needed to capture it. Tom will be home soon but for a little while, with the lucky circumstance of sleeping boys, it was silent enough in my house to hear the clock tick tock.
List making so that I can focus on what I really need to do
While waiting for some feedback at work I have decided to make lists:
Things that are distracting me TODAY, maybe even just this moment, but here we go: storewide sales, electronic coupons and the fastest delivery ever one of those discount members only shopping sites but just high end kids brands was introduced to this yesterday and have already sent out Charlie's birthday brunch invite and will send Max's birthday party invite out shortly.
@PopTech a friend consults for them and she is one of the smartest ladies I know ... it is no wonder ... they are web casting live right now just finished my third yesterday and am carefully eating my way through today cannot wait to go to friends and family tomorrow night at Julie's new place
Ok, back to work.
Friday, October 16, 2009
On being a full time mom
So due to my nanny having an injured back, I was a full time mom for the last two days. Of course the only way I have found time to reflect and blog on it, is that I am back to work today.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Got in last night from Chicago where I attended a great conference. Charlie seems huge and I would know because I thought it would be a great idea to wake him when I got in at 10 pm. Silly mommy. He finally stopped crying around 11:45 pm and Max woke up at 5 am declaring that he was no longer tired and could he please have his light turned on and be provided a book. Um... really? Could I be anymore tired?

Friday, September 25, 2009
Now it can be told
We fired our nanny of 3.5 years. It was the right thing for Max and for our family. It feels so sad. I keep thinking about how she will have to go home to her two boys and share or hide from them that she does not have a job. We gave a large severance and will serve as a reference but I am so sad. I know in my intellectual compartment that this was the right thing, and hell, I know in my heart that what is right for Max it the first thing, always. She was graceful and sad. It was my husband's job to read the talking points I had written, I would have overcompensated.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Cloudy with chance of change ...
Blogging after a long while from aboard the red eye SFO to JFK.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Happy Birthday, Charlie
Today is Charlie's 8 month birthday. Happy birthday angel-baby. You look at me with those blue eyes like I am the most wonderful thing you have ever seen, every morning! You are curious and strong, funny and snuggly, and patient and clear. I know babies transform from easy to challenging overnight but I have faith that the solid old soul that is rolling around inside of you will remain. I worry, as I am want to do, that I am missing your early months, me with a new job, you with that big brother of yours, but want you to know that I love you and think about you all the time. I can't wait for our summer vacation when we can spend time letting the breeze tickle us and the sun kiss us and time embrace us. Happy birthday, angel-baby.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I got on the treadmill for a half an hour yesterday and am in such pain today! Need to get back into WW; I get lazy and overeat, drink and skip the gym. And the thing is, I know I am happier when I'm in shape! It's just that the road to get there looks so different this time. I am doing the Blueprint Cleanse in two weeks; have booked mini training sessions at NYSC (half an hour so it s cheaper and I can shower and get back to work.) So now I need to find the resolve and the discipline to stick with this course of action.
Monday, July 20, 2009
That darned 25%
Yet another person in my closer circle's marriage is dissolving. The sharing of this fact on Saturday night over many bottles of wine on a votive lit front porch in the leafy surrounds of Philadelphia with my husband and our dear friends prompted the following question:
What percentage of the time do you get it "right" in your marriage?
I struggled between low 70's to 75%. I know when I screw up, speak harshly, misplace frustration, bottle and blow up with anger, but I also know when I get it right. We laugh a lot more these days. The 3.5 year old is a handful and it is bringing out a lot of things in me that are not all flattering. The baby is golden and my savior. Jacob Harold of the Hewlett Foundation has spoken of the "silver standard" in regards to Nonprofit organizations striving for the “gold standard” of evidence-based research on outcomes and social impact whenever possible. When that’s impossible, however, they should aim for the “silver standard” of targeted organizational performance and proxy information. However wonky a way to look at one's marraige that is, it resonates. We would love to say that we are the "gold standard" of couples, but that would not be supported by the evidence.
I turn 36 next week, my roots have lost their dye, I still have a bunch of baby weight to drop (now 8 months later!) but for 75% of the time I feel a member of the closest, smartest crime fighting duo around. The other 25% of the time, I can be unkind to my best friend and I know it. It will be 8 years of marriage in September and the balance of our years together will be approximately 14 years. I've never been good at numbers but so far we are on the together side of the 50% of marriages end in divorce and holding strong.
And we’ll keep striving for that “silver standard” …
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You are not alone ...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Roller Coaster
It feels like lately that things just ping pong back and forth between professional and personal highs and lows. I feel like every little glimmer of sun that breaks through the oppressive cloudiness we have had, sends another car on the track either climbing or tumbling. Tom is off to London on Sunday, work is great, Max is regressing in his potty training, I made it to spin, a work project came back from the printer screwed up, I might manage to get a haircut ... up and down ... here comes the sun ... uh-oh ... hang on for the next swing of the pendulum.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Gripe Day/Gift Day
So it is not cute when glazed donut handed son uses the back of my dress as a napkin on the same day as my employee review, but to counter that gripe day, he did say "pardon me, I did not hear what you said," rather than "huh?" when he misheard me; gift day.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I've become a little obsessed with following the Iran elections on twitter. I have forgone all traditional news for it. I think that there is something in the immediacy that engages me, like when we used to get AP breaking news on the wire when I was in TV. A shred of news would come in a bullet and we would stay glued to AP Newscenter watching the story get confirmed and developed while working the phones for our own sourced news. It was a race to see who could confirm first, net vs net ... now there is no confirmation just first hand accounts. Twitter is not a source, per se, but rather color or lead generating... and it is damn addicitive.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Move move move
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Scale
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What, is the whole world spinning?
I called 11 New York Sports Clubs surrounding my office and on the way home and could not get a bike! I am #3 on the waitlist here by the office and will go and try to snag a bike; with my broken elliptical at home, I am beginning to feel a karmic punishment on the exercise front.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday Morning Commute
This morning max asked if it was a mommy daddy day rather than a rhonda day. I had to tell him no. It made me sad. But we need the money but more importantly I need the career. I am more grounded in both halves of my life because of the duality of it. Where is the me half or the wife half? They get scheduled in and fight like hell to co-exist with the bullying work/kids duo.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bad Mommy Blogger
Friday, January 23, 2009
Where oh where have I been ...
Ok, so this amazing working mom and mother of twin boys blogs regularly, smartly and damn funnily (that a word?) so I guess it is time that I catch up on Morking Wom ...