There is nothing sweeter than the sound of my baby's heartbeat from inside of me. Almost makes me feel [gasp] religiously inspired.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
stop it please
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
sick, again
it has been a while since I had the flu, but now I am faced with a cold, sore throat and fatigue. Gonna sleep it off today ... once I get off this stupid computer!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
perfect songs pt 2
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
changing tides
I used to be the girl who walked into the bar and the bartender would shout out, "your regular?" and a glass of blackbush on the rocks would be waiting for me. I drank hard, played hard and managed to get an ivy league degree.
Times have changed as evidenced by my experience this morning...
I walked into the GNC Smoothie bar and the "bartender" called out past the several women gathered waiting, "your regular?" and there appeared my peanut butter suprise, with chocolate soy milk and no smoothie powder (it adds a huge chunk of calories and you don't miss it.) It occurred to me that I am older, a mother of one with another on the way and it has been a long time since I drank Irish whiskey in a smoky bar, you can't even smoke in bars anymore. So what if my drink of choice has the word surprise in it. I am still recognizable by my beverage and somehow that makes me happy.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Balance is Out: Chapters are In.
...people live life more as a series of chapters. For example, he just had a slow period, where he spent more time with his family, and now the busy season is starting and that is going to be a different chapter. “Some people,” he said, “try for balance every day or every week, but I can't do that. That's not achievable for me. What is achievable is chapters.”from a brilliant post on one of my fav blogs:
Monday, April 14, 2008
I am so tired
The tired where you want to slam your head against a wall...
The tired where you are short with your two year old ...
The tired where you might just skip dinner and go to sleep ...
My acupuncturist says it takes a lot of energy to do what my body is doing...
... 6 more weeks of it.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
lists, anxeity
I am making lists; lists of Max's food, needs, clothes, sleep; lists of packing to dos; lists of work to dos; ways not to be anxious, ways to be anxious, ways to sleep, ways not to sleep... the world will go on without me.. list or none.
Oh, and by the way, it is day 29 of my cycle, negative pregnancy test this morning but no period. Would be nice to know before I take off for Israel...
Friday, March 21, 2008
I am roasting...
red bliss potatoes in olive oil and sea salt. Everyone should have such a simple moment... the kitchen is warm, my nanny left early for Good Friday so Max and I chased the dinosaurs at the AMNH and came home to our dinner, (breakfast for dinner!) bath, bedtime routine. Now I await T's arrival home from work, making our dinner, drinking pinot grigio, snacking on Pennsylvania Dutch pretzels and piave vecchio, cooking tandoori chicken breasts and the aforementioned potatoes. Mellow, domestic and calm. The house is silent, save the drone of CNN on the TV, low enough not to understand, just to offer company. Needed to stop and chronicle this moment of red bliss.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Measure This!
"If we really want to do work that makes a difference...then we have to know whether it's working. And if you really do it well, you don't only want to know what works; you want to know how it works." -- Rockefeller Foundation president Judith Rodin ("For Good,Measure." New York Times Magazine 3/09/08)Just not so sure how I feel about this ... the pro-measurables movement often makes me nervous. I have been in the identity building field and have been asked to assess success for donors and it is very hard, bordering on junk science. Yet, have been told that it is better to make it up than say that we don't know. I do not believe that. Some things defy the ruler, some things just are transformative without needing statistics.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Poem for South African Women
Our own shadows disappear as the feet of thousandsby the tens of thousands pound the fallow landinto new dust thatrising like a marvelous pollen will befertileeven as the first woman whisperingimagination to the trees around her madefor righteous fruitfrom such deliberate defense of lifeas no other stillwill claim inferior to any other safetyin the worldThe whispers too theyintimate to the inmost ear of every spiritnow aroused theycarousing in ferocious affirmationof all peaceable and loving amplitudesound a certainly unbounded heatfrom a baptismal smoke where yesthere will be fireAnd the babies cease alarm as mothersraising armsand heart high as the stars so far unseennevertheless hurl into the universea moving forceirreversible as light yearstraveling to the open eyeAnd who will join this standing upand the ones who stood without sweet companywill sing and singback into the mountains andif necessaryeven under the sea:we are the ones we have been waiting for.
Monday, March 10, 2008
monday, monday
As evidenced by the mohawks ... little buddy had a nice overnight with his cousin, and we had a heavenly weekend ... pizza by firelight, impressionists at the Clark, massages, reading, fancy dinner by firelight, napping, breakfast overlooking a duck pond. Just what we needed.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Max got into The Mandell School
10 schools, tours, applications (and their fees), interviews, recommendations, open houses ... and it is over and we got our first choice. Little Max is going to Mandell. We are soooo thrilled.
let it all collapse, let the ceiling fall down
A friend emailed me the above in response to my accounts of the flu... I love this. So I have, and I am feeling quite a bit better today. Still have not eaten since the great stomach revolt last night, have some soup to try later. T brought me my fav chicken corn from Shun Lee. Might actually venture out today ... need more Gatorade.
Monday, March 3, 2008
I have not left my house since Friday at noon. I am sick and we are supposed to go away this coming weekend, just the two of us. This flu is kicking my ass, and speaking of, I just tried to eat for the first time in days other than chicken broth and the stomach part of the flu kicked in. I could cry. I hate being sick. I am so frustrated. WAAAAA!
T got a flu shot, darling son got a flu shot ... guess who did not make time to get a flu shot. Back to bed...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
sick, again
This time, fever of 102, coughing, sweating, chills ... but once again I thank G-d that I am not a single mother. My sweet husband has taken our son out for a day of errands and adventure, and I am off to bed for the duration. I don't know how you do this alone, I really don't.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
pins and needles
I went for acupuncture yesterday and it was amazing. Kimberly focuses on fertility and she is amazing. My co-worker recommended her. Wow. I cannot wait until next week. I feel amazingly relaxed.
Monday, February 25, 2008
1 in 4 chance
Day 1, Cycle 4... my gyn said you have a one in four chance of getting pregnant each cycle. That should mean that this month will be our month. We'll see.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Chicken Little
Ok, I am never the one to buy jugs of bottled water or candles but ...
Feb. 22 (Bloomberg) -- A winter storm is dumping an unexpected amount of snow on the northeastern U.S. today, causing delays of as much as seven hours at major airports in the New York City region and snarling travel along the East Coast.
New York City and parts of Connecticut and New Jersey may get as much as 9 inches (23 centimeters) of snow before it changes over to a mixture of freezing rain, snow and sleet in the afternoon, according to the National Weather Service. Earlier forecasts called for as little as 1 inch of snow in the city.
Thankful my Fresh Direct order is on its way :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What a diference a day makes ...
We are getting away for a weekend 3/7-9. Baby boy is going to my brother and my parents. We are going here.
It is a light at the end of my everyday tunnel. We need some alone time... love my son, but miss my husband.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
My nanny
Thinks I am pregnant. Says I have a glow. I think it is because I had a great facial on Friday. Only time will tell.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Class Act
The aforementioned She had her last day today. She was gracious and classy. It was none the less awkward and I am glad the day is over but it could have been worse. I would love to get a drink, but have no one to go with and wonder if I should just go and have a glass of wine, read my book and await my meeting at 6 pm somewhere near the location. Hmmm...
Saturday, February 9, 2008
quit. They made me the bad cop. And she quit. And I feel empty and wrong but somehow know it was better that she did. And now I sleep fitfully and make to-do lists and know that she quit, so that I was not over her shoulder. That really sucks.
Friday, February 8, 2008
For CW
One Art | ||
by Elizabeth Bishop | ||
The art of losing isn't hard to master; |
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Gathering String
From time to time the non-profit secular world neatly entwines with the Jewish philanthropic sector ... I picked this one up on my morning Google alert ...
The first venture philanthropist
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Deeply funky ...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Truth ...
I love GNC Peanut Butter Surprise smoothies at 310 calories and 3.0 grams of fat. They are amazing ... so amazing that I have trouble believing the listed calorie and fat info. Mind you, that does not stop me ... yummy.
Also I must admit that I bought a box of the Hollywood Diet chocolate chip cookies. Yesterday I ate one as lunch and one as a snack. They are so funny! I feel so 1970's but whatever ... who can refuse the concept of eating cookies to lose weight?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
So I went to the doctor for strange pelvic pain, had a sonogram and nothing ... and it has resolved. The unfortunate/but necessary by-product of the ordeal, I got on a scale for the first time in months. WOW... so now I am on a diet. Can't help thinking my fertility is compromised by my fat. And then I am scared of dropping too much weight at one time, as I am want to do... it is all or nothing with me, for fear of also impacting the chances that I get pregnant. So here I am in fertility purgatory. I've lost a few lbs since Monday - like 3 ish - and already feel better. I have not started exercising, I stopped drinking during the week and yes, I am planning to take a day off for super bowl ... wings, beer, etc ... not so good for the diet.
I am going to try to get out and run in the mornings ... once it gets a little lighter out... and grab a yoga class... start slow and hopefully get knocked up!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Calgon ...
Monday, January 28, 2008
Perfect ...
1. Skinny jeans/genes
2. Clean laundry/house/child/nails/hair/shirt
3. Praised & Valued at work/home/family/self
4. Friends & Laughter
5. Sleep/Health
6. 3 day work week/long weekends with Son/Sun
Must be Monday.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Two reasons
to live in NYC... one, I am waiting for the bodega on 96th & WEA to deliver me cold meds... two, if I changed the name of my blog to Ovulation Cycles... it might be read. Day 2 Cycle 3, Btw.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Had lunch with two friends from two jobs ago today ... one was me, as in , I lured her from TV into Outward Bound ... I left and she stayed. I miss public school ed reform. I love what I do, but I miss having a concrete mission ... I don't miss raising money. Boy, I don't. It was good to see them. I think I was bad at that job, mostly because I know SO much more now then I ever did then. The lack of knowledge is startling. Malpractice, practically.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Elizabeth
This morning I awoke to an e-invitation to my birthmother's 50th birthday party. Just a reminder of how if you do the math, and I am 34 ... that she was 16 when she brought me into this world. Amazing.
Monday, January 21, 2008
When you wish upon a star ...
So last entry, I wished for spa ... and I awoke Sunday to orders from my husband to get dressed and be ready to go by 9:15 am. He had booked the following for me at the Chopra Spa (Deepack, Baby!):
Vishesh (vi-shesh) Treatment
A powerful tension relieving treatment, this invigorating choreographed massage incorporates classic Abhyanga therapy with deeper strokes to clear and detoxify the channels of circulation. The experience begins with light to medium pressure and then progresses to firmer, deeper, slower strokes designed to release physical and emotional toxins.
It was amazing ... after we had lunch at Landmark. What a perfect surprise to make up for a week from hell (bruised baby, sick nanny, husband out of town ...) if it were not for the perpetual cold I have been nursing, I would say life is perfect ... oh, and if I could only get pregnant.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's a new dawn, it's a new day ....
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Sometimes you wake up with puffy eyes ...
the kind you get from crying your eyes out all night, after a teenage romance falls apart. I did not cry ALL night, just for about 15 minutes while talking to my sister about my day. I had to drop my son at emergency day care since my nanny has a serious infection that has her laid up for few days. It was the first time I had ever left him in a strange place with strangers and I spent the better part of the day worrying, taking advice on how best to cope and knowing intellectually that he was fine, that I was the child feeling left alone, not him. I picked him up at 5 pm, the appointed time, and yes, he was a little wild, disheveled and sleep deprived, but in one piece and did not want to leave! As I was packing him up, he fell. Not a little ooopsy fall, but went from standing and landed on his cheekbone on the edge of the cubbies. His face instantly blew up and went purple and red. I struggled to get out of the day care center to rapid inquiries (CYA) as to who was watching him when it happened. I WAS! A whole day of worrying and I was the problem!
Friday, January 11, 2008
I'm sad ...
Max skipped his nap today and went to sleep at ten to six. He usually goes to bed at 7:30 p so I missed seeing him! Also stressed that this will screw up his sleep the night before the big interview and had to be all "cool" about this with my nanny... not make her feel like she screwed up by skipping his nap. She knew I was pissed, kept emphasizing how much fun he was having at CMOM and she did not have the heart to make him go home and nap. I expect this first bit of sleep will be a nap and I will see him around 9 pm when I am well into my glass(es) of wine. I feel like a brat, but one) I really wanted time to play and two) he needed of all days for this to be a normal one so that he does not wake up a terror for the big nursery school interview. It is our first choice for pete's sake! Ugh... perhaps I am just practicing a little transference... I am stressed about this interview and he will likely wake up sunshiney and have a great day ... stay tuned.
Today, I am amazed at the balance ...
I got my son up, had a breakfast meeting, had a very energizing work conference call/meeting... all without coffee... and feel jazzed to power through the rest of the day. My office closes at 3 pm and I have a date with my post-partum doula. We check in every few months and it is always a joy to spend time with her. The weekend starts soon and although a chunk of it will be spent with my son at a nursery school playgroup/interview ... I am ready for family time. I am always hungering for nanny free, uninterrupted play by Friday. Bring it on!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
sick sick sick
My son is sick, I am sick ... I hate this ... I need a sick day, just to catch up on sleep and get better. I cannot afford to feel this crummy for more than 24 hours. Just won't work... and we have a nursery school interview on Sunday!!! Yikes.